Accurate valuation of a closely held business is essential when resolving issues related to mergers and acquisitions, succession planning, estate and tax planning, business disputes, or divorce settlements. While publicly traded companies are valued every day in the public stock markets, closely held businesses do not have a similar market for their equity interests. In the absence of this pricing information, interests in closely held business must be valued independently.

Closely held business interests are typically valued by one or more of the following methods:
Asset approach – based on the value of a company’s assets and liabilities;
Income approach – based on the ability of the company to generate cash flow in the future; and
Market approach – based on the value of similar companies that are either publicly traded or have recently been involved in a transaction.

Harwell Valuation Advisors are experts in selecting the most appropriate valuation approach based on a particular engagement’s circumstances.
The value of an interest in a closely held business can vary substantially based on its level of control and the degree to which its marketability is impaired. We are knowledgeable in the selection and support of discounts and premiums in our determinations of value.

Harwell Valuation Advisors valuation conclusions provide the necessary support for business owners and their advisors to make well informed decisions regarding the purchase, sale, or transfer of interests in closely held businesses.